Honored Heroes

January 04, 2007


Welcome Home!
Jim & Jenny Bates & daughter reunited November 2006.
Jim is the son of Bill & Darlene Bates.

Jim had just gotten off the plane and we went to his favorite restaurant, he was still very tired, but the sight of his wife and daughter-Joslyn made his eyes light up.

Joslyn waiting for her Daddy to come home surrounded by the flags that OSS graciously planted in Grampa and Grama's front yard to welcome their soldier (son) home for a brief 2 week leave from Iraq.

SSG Winterstein meeting his son Camden for the first time at the Airport, March 20, 2005.

SSG Winterstein with his children during R&R in March of 2005.

SSG Winterstein finally home from his first deployment to Iraq in September 2005.


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